Thursday, May 28, 2009

Church signs

So this was originally going to be my final blog but I'm cooking up something better. :)

I started to look at church signs (you know, the changeable ones) on my drive home a couple of weeks back and noticed that there are some interesting ones... So pretty much -- for this blog, I just Googled funny church signs and felt the need to bring the numerous hilarious church signs I found to you fine folks... Enjoy this little slide show!! :)


This one is actually my favorite and I think pretty clever:

This sign was in Monroe WI when I drove past one day:

This was the front and back on a sign near my house from a drive home:

This one should look familular since it's right off campus -- love that they quote Gandi:


Appropriate to start off this group:

I hope everyone enjoyed this ridiculous little tour through the church signs I've seen and the one's that are so awful and ridiculous that one has to question their existence ... I hope this does not offend anyone if the sign refers to your specific religious beliefs, this is all in good fun.


  1. Wow! most of these are pretty non-offensive, but some f them are definitely very strong minded! I think perhaps I would be guilty of having my brains already fallen out, but alot of these signs (even if I don't agree with them) make me want to find out what the service is about.

  2. the only one i truely found offensive was the "most powerful position was on your knees" one that I thought people might get mad at you know :) thanks ari

  3. Church signs can be pretty creative. Have you seen the "church sign war?" It was a series of signs from a catholic and a presbyterian church who had some differing opinions ;)

  4. hahahahahah that is hilarious meg ... thanks for telling me about that! :)

  5. Wow, that's very intersting. I found it pretty amusing. I know that these churches are just trying to appeal to people and maybe they felt that this was a way to related to the 'contemporary' or 'younger' crowd. It's very fun to see what people do in other places than just signs. Great post!

  6. I think more so that appealing to a younger or contemporary crowd, it shows that religion and the church can, in fact, be very human. I think that churches are often thought of as an establishment or a system, but these signs bring them to life a bit more.

  7. this is so funny. thanks for the postings! its interesting how people will be quite blunt with their efforts to adapt to some aspects of pop culture to get people to join or go. from what they reference at least in some of the signs.
